nnn 5.0-1

Architecture: x86_64
Repository: Extra
Description: The fastest terminal file manager ever written.
Upstream URL:
License(s): BSD
Maintainers: Felix Yan
Alexander Epaneshnikov
Package Size: 136.1 KB
Installed Size: 357.0 KB
Last Packager: Alexander Epaneshnikov
Build Date: Aug. 26, 2024, 3:47 p.m. UTC
Signed By: Alexander Epaneshnikov
Signature Date: Aug. 26, 2024, 3:47 p.m. UTC
Last Updated: Aug. 26, 2024, 3:50 p.m. UTC

Dependencies (11)

  • bash
  • sed
  • atool (optional) - for more archive formats
  • fuse2 (optional) - unmount remotes
  • libarchive (optional) - for more archive formats
  • rclone (optional) - mount remotes
  • sshfs (optional) - mount remotes
  • trash-cli (optional) - to trash files
  • unzip (optional) - for zip archive format
  • xdg-utils (optional) - desktop opener
  • zip (optional) - for zip archive format

Required By (0)

Package Contents