postfixadmin 3.3.13-2

Architecture: any
Repository: Extra
Description: Web based interface to manage Postfix mailboxes, virtual domains and aliases
Upstream URL:
License(s): GPL2
Maintainers: David Runge
Package Size: 851.2 KB
Installed Size: 5.2 MB
Last Packager: T.J. Townsend
Build Date: July 13, 2024, 4:30 p.m. UTC
Signed By: T.J. Townsend
Signature Date: July 13, 2024, 4:30 p.m. UTC
Last Updated: July 13, 2024, 5:10 p.m. UTC

Dependencies (13)

  • php
  • apache (optional) - run in webserver
  • dovecot (optional) - interface local IMAP/POP3 server
  • mariadb (optional) - use local MySQL server
  • perl (optional) - for example scripts
  • php-fpm (optional) - run in fastCGI process manager
  • php-imap (virtual) (optional) - use IMAP
  • php-pgsql (optional) - use PostgreSQL database backend
  • php-sqlite (optional) - use SQLite database backend
  • postfix (optional) - interface local mail server
  • postgresql (optional) - use local PostgreSQL server
  • python (optional) - for example scripts
  • uwsgi-plugin-php (optional) - run as application container

Required By (0)